You can enjoy various materials
from Zirconia Disk to CAD Block, Pre-milled Blank
Unrivaled grinding capability
With the adoption of a high RPM specialized spindle, this equipment boasts its unrivalled capability of grinding Lithium Disilicate.We improved user convenience by applying the cartridge that can mount and machine up to 6 CAD Blocks, and the application of high-precision ball screws allows you to get high quality machining outputs.

Like natural teeth
Every patient wants a prosthesis that looks natural. With milling the grooved part precisely using ARUM's 0.3mm tool for Zirconia, you can reproduce the teeth that look natural.

Dedicated template
Based on our extensive know-how accumulated over many years and various machining bases around the world, we provide the optimal
dedicated template for ARUM for any cases such as CAD Block,Zirconia Disk, and Customized Abutment, etc. This is ARUM’s unique asset that cannot be provided anywhere else.

User-friendly use environment
With Auto Calibration Function, you can maintain the best condition of machine anytime, anywhere. You can always see a certain level of machining.
U.I design with enhanced ease of use makes operation of equipment easy and simple.