Resorbable Collagen Membrane
Ordering Information
The OssGuide(Resorbable collagen membrane) is a biodegradable collagen membrane derived from porcine pericardium certified by a veterinarian and is purified to prevent immunologic reaction.
OssGuide is designed for the paitents who have bone defects and need the Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) treatment so the further treatment, such as dental implant or fixed denture can be possible. OssGuide has a porous and fibrous microstructure that is hydrophilic and prevents the ingrowth of fibrous tissue into the bone defect. OssGuide is sterilized by gamma radiation.
- TG-1 Size: 15mm x 20mm
- TG-2 Size: 20mm x 30mm
- TG-3 Size: 30mm x 40mm